Minimalist and Maximalist Packaging 

When you package a product, you want to make sure that you create something that not only sparks joy but is also something that will actually hold. Companies will want to make sure that they have structurally sound and user-friendly kinds of packaging, but creativity is also a focal part of it. There are two types of packaging to consider, and those are minimalist and maximalist. Here, we’ll go over both, and what you should use in your packaging experience. 

Minimalist Packaging 

This is the “less is more” type of style, and it pretty much involves clean, uncluttered kinds of product layouts, a force on symmetry, and also using very little typography, and it can help to make the customer feel calm and at ease. You have the little details on there, to get customer interest, and it isn’t very busy in terms of packaging needs. 

Brands that use this oftentimes also have more modern styles and aesthetics, an oftentimes, they don’t focus on the bolder colors and whatnot, but instead, the eye for details, and the impression of sophistication and simplicity too. 

It’’s effective because you don’t’ have to worry about your brand looking too outdated, and it’s considered a more versatile type of packaging that will help you.It also is a more natural and muted look, and a lot of times, there isn’t usually too much going on, and it does appeal to the younger generation, and it can help you feel like the type of brand that is able to really focus on the end-users of the product too. 

What about maximalist? 

This is pretty much where everything is very loud, detailed, and usually is the opposite of minimalist. This is something that dazzles the customers, rather than being too subtle, using vibrant colors with lots of textures to it, typography, and richer sorts of motifs and colors. It may also use weird shapes and even optical illusions.  This is something that also does showcase quirkiness, but also luxury in some cases too. 

The goal of this is to help get the brand and their identity right there building the connection, and also, it can be used for creating mystery too, and building attention as well. This is one that really does stand out, and it’s great for those with limited edition and special collection sorts of products and is great for influencer unboxings or even used in pop up displays, and sometimes, this can be so excessive that it’s shown on social media too. 

The thing with maximalist is that just because it’s loud and obnoxious, it’s bad for the environment. There are actually some green alternatives to this. 

How to Choose 

Overall, each is good for their own reasons, and it’s good for some people to use minimalist, others could benefit from maximalist. First, you should look at the brand’s ideals, and whether or not one or the other will impact this. You should also look at how the product sets itself apart from the rest.  Some people like minimalist because they may work with competitors who are a bit more excessive. In other fields the maximalist type of product packaging does help to make a more impactful look to it, and it can help your business stand out.

Regardless, there are benefits to each of these, and while one may think one is better than the other, not every brand benefits from the minimalist or maximalist design, so it’s good to be open and versatile, and to choose the packaging that’s perfect for the business that you have. 

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